Project “Upaahar”

Beginning on 9 August 2018, severe floods affected the south Indian state of Kerala, due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season. It was the worst flood in Kerala in nearly a century. Over 483 people died, and 14 are missing. All of these are just reported numbers and I have more horrid stories from my mom. She has her school friend staying there and literally they had no electricity and lights for days. Here in Singapore, “Paintings by Jaleela Niaz” and “Arts Meadow” supported by Tatinis put together a fund raiser where all the artwork was available for less than SGD 75.

Here are my paintings that I had put up for Project “Uphaar”

I am so grateful and glad that people are so willing to contribute towards a noble cause! My 5 out of 6 painting were sold and 100% of the sales was contributed towards Kerala Relief. Grateful and thankful to the organiser for the opportunity and feel good that I could be a part of the noble cause.